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  • AI Art- Fascinating and Frightening

AI Art- Fascinating and Frightening

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to A.I. Deets - even on Blue Monday (Jan 16th) AI Deets can brighten up your day - so Yello - how you doin?

Lets dive in - this is whats up today:

πŸ–ΌοΈ  AI Art - frightening and fascinating at the same timeπŸ‘΄ AI / Old Age/ Nigeria - a natural fit of things right?πŸ‘€ Noonshot is your Midjourney Prompt Helper!

Latest A.I. News 

We cant deny whats happened - AI art is now everywhere in a very short space of time. But what do we actually think of this art - have we stopped to really look at it and understand it?

This article explores the idea of AI imagery and its affect on multiple creative industries as well how these image are created and what it means for the future (I mean WTF is that below right - terrifying)

AI art is also bound to get infintely better - with more and more interersting use cases (like the Song Mr Blue Sky with every lyric generating an AI image) Would love to see this done for a Slipknot song!

So and example of how cool AI can be is in this article -  Fashion Show For Seniors is an example of how AI and art can mix together and some of these images are simply amazing! Done by an artist in Nigeria using "multiple image genrators" ( he doesnt say which ones)

Check out the article and browse through some of the incredible images

This dude is simply amazing by the way - hes our fave!!

Daily Roundup

This Blog Plagiarized articles and was found out! Were going to see more and more of this 

Google Cloud starting with AI tools  Google let retailers index products on thier shelp with new AI tool - this is cool!

China AI edging past the US  China is edging past the US in its AI implementations

8 Jobs AI will kill first Is this list right - will the be more?

Meme Me!

Um ok sure! Nuff said!

Cool AI Product of the Day

Midjourney Prompt helper Noonshot is a new Tool designed to help with Midjourney Prompts. Clever site helping people with something that is becoming harder to do - effective prompting

Thanks for Reading

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)  πŸ™

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