👀 AI Music is here 🎧

Plus ChatGPT fails exam - the learns and passes

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - we blow through the latest AI news like a hot knife through butter, like a sharp blade through something soft, like...........ok you get the picture - ill stop!

Let's check out what's happening today, shall we?

Latest A.I. News

Spotify goes AI with DJ

Another day, another big tech shop launches an AI product. This time it's those naughty swedes at Spotify ( we love you Spotify!!)

They have announced a new feature called DJ that uses AI to play tracks you love with audio commentary in a very realistic voice (apparently) Wed love to know what this commentary will be about - especially if you're listening to Barbie Girl from Aqua (don't lie -you love it) or something like S Club 7 (don't hate) - what could the commentary possibly have to say we wonder!

Spotify also mentions they work with OpenAI and have a business relationship but do not call them a partner. Apparently, this tech is built on the OpenAI API.

I'd love to try this when it rolls out - it'll save a ton of time looking for music if it works well!

ChatGPT failed an exam, then learned from its mistakes and passed 🤯

ChatGPT has become so talked about these days it's already becoming a bit blase! then it turns around and does something that blows your mind.

A newspaper tested ChatGPT's knowledge on a Singaporean exam meant for 12-year-olds. The first time around it failed miserably getting 16 out of 100 (we think that's good actually! that was our school marks) but appeared to learn and improve on the questions when it was tested again, getting an average of 11 out of 20 (as opposed to 16% the first time) but still getting some basic questions and concepts wrong

This is surprising as AI passed the Wharton school's final exam, 4 law courses as well as the US medical license exam

Daily Roundup

  • Deepfake Tutorial (link)

  • Will AI do more harm than good? (link)

  • AI written ebook boom on Amazon (link)

  • AI is coming for lawyers (link)

  • Bing and Bard Pose a billion $$ search problem (link)

  • How Redditers broke ChatGPT (link)

  • How to use ChatGPT the right way? (link)

  • Create a Private Discord server for Midjourney link)

  • Popluar Instagrammer admits images are made by AI  (link)

  • Google and Microsoft are in an AI arms race (link)

  • AI can make you immortal, but should it? (link)

  • AI in Healthcare (link)

  • Using AI in Fashion (link)

  • Will AI replace Financial advisors? (link)

Meme Me!

Dog John Lennon has a special place in Woolfys heart (our Doggie Mascot) from @Daichshunds on Twitter

AI Product of the Day

Botta is your learning assistant! Pick a topic you're struggling with and Ask Botta. The app will become an expert in that field and let you chat with it to improve your knowledge! Wild!!

Trending AI Products

AI Tools for Creators

    Clipdrop - Create Stunning Visuals in Seconds.

    Cutout Pro - Visual Content Generation Platform for Image and Video Design.

    Descript - a New Way to Make Video and Podcasts

    Fermat - Creativity Augmented for Content Creation.

     Hotpot - Hotpot.Ai.

    Lightricks - Home to Creators Everywhere.

    Media.io - Online Video, Audio, Image Creativity Platform Powered by AI.

    Runway - Everything You Need to Make Content, Fast.

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    Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)