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  • 👀 Is AI responsbile for all the current layoffs?

👀 Is AI responsbile for all the current layoffs?

plus > Googles AI Test Kitchen

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - we move through AI news like a hot knife through cold butter, like a bowling ball through a field of bottles, like a....ahh you get the picture!

Let's dive into the deets shall we - this is what's up today:

Latest A.I. News

Mass layoffs have rocked 2023 with most of the large tech companies sadly letting go of thousands of workers! But is this just about saving money or is there something more to it?

An example is Microsoft who invest $10B in OpenAI the same week that they laid off over 10 workers! Is this the start of a trend of AI being able to do more and more and people becoming redundant? Or is it simply a case of the tech companies massively overhiring?

Let's see how this plays out! in the meantime enjoy this insightful Tweet below on the topic.

Have you heard of the test kitchen? Well neither had we, but apparently, its Google's (odd) name for their beta sign-up program to get access to their AI goodies (which will come thick and fast after ChatGPt caught them with their pants down)

Google has already launched a very impressive Text to Music program (here) and apparently has way more in the works - let's see what mind-bending stuff they can come up with based on YEARS and YEARS of collecting everything about us 🤯

So sign up to Test Kitchen today and get in line and who knows, maybe the tweet below will turn out to be true!

Daily Roundup

Deepfakes pose a national security riskCan you tell the difference? Fake Tom Cruise got me confused!

People aren't happy about this AI-generated comic book!This is bound to become more problematic - the intersection of art and AI

The role of AI in Cyberattacks How will AI advance cyberattacks

ChatGPT Greenlit in OZ Schools Is this a first? Use of ChatGPT greenlit in schools in South Australia

Creating a Lie detector for DeepfakesTechnology to spot Deep Fakes

Using ChatGPT to get a raise at workAI helps with scripts to get a raise at the office! Yay!

Meme Me!

Not too sure what is happening here, but I'm not Disney would approve! (and that kid's head looks funny - did Mickey take a bite?)

Via Cursed_ai on Twitter

 AI Product of the Day

Any single folks out there? Well, it looks like AI has you covered! Writing dating profiles sucks, but LoveGenius is here to help! Use AI to write the perfect profile and boost your chances of catfishing matching with someone special! I have a feeling we will see more AI dating apps - anything that will help with this is welcome in my book!

Actually - maybe Love Guru is a better name no?

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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