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  • 👀 Is Bing gonna dethrone Google?

👀 Is Bing gonna dethrone Google?

Plus > Google special AI event

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - the daily AI newsletter that comes around and brings a huge smile to your face  - yes even if it's Monday! We wrap up AI news in a tidy little nugget just for you!

Let's get into the sweet sweet deets shall we - this is what's up today:

Latest A.I. News 

Not sure if these are fake or not (we don't care lol) but a user on Twitter has posted what look (very much) like ChatGPt incorporated in Mincrosoft Bing (it's their search engine in case you've never ever heard of it of never used it)

If this is true, the MS (that's what we call Microsoft cos were cool - and its easier to type) are moving quickly to incorporate their new purchase ($10B anyone) into as many relevant tools as they can - starting with Bing to take on the mighty Google! ChatGPT will revolutionize search and these guys know it! If Bing can get a first-mover advantage over Google, it could mean people flock away from them to Bing - and that means less ad revenue - Which Google will not take lying down.

This could be an interesting fight to watch how it plays out!  Some more screengrabs below

Speaking of Google - they are said to be holding a special event in 2 days where they will unveil more plans around their AI tools and "using the power of AI to reimagine how people search for, explore and interact with information, making it more natural and intuitive than ever before to find what you need"

It's uncertain if these will be brand-new tools, or major upgrades to existing search/ maps using AI, but it's interesting to sit back and watch the AI race evolve - grab the popcorn - it's gonna get interesting.

Daily Roundup

  • Experta warn that AI could be a threat to democracy . (link)

  • Asking AI to explain the meaning of life. (link)

  • AI discovers lost of work of Spain Golden Age of writing . (link)

  • WTF does this company do - Explains what a company does based on the landing page. (link)

  • Hi-Tech hospitals are already using AI. (link)

  • ChatGPT is being used in Congress already! (link)

  • Why is ChatGPt blowing everyones mind? (link)

  • A man asks ChatPGT how to smuggle drugs and gets answers (link)

  • Earning $1k in 2 weeks with an AI Chrome extension (link)

  • 7 Times AI as just .. people (link)

Meme Me!

Check out these AI selfies from the ages!! We love em

Via @everythingartificial on Twitter

 AI Product of the Day

We all need some positivity - especially in today's depressing world! SpreadPositivitytoday is a tool that uses AI to help you generate a super positive note, and well, sends it to them!

We hope more simple but fun tools like this pop up to allow people to be more positive - yes even if AI is nudging us and helping on the way! Check it today and send your message.

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)  

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