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  • 👀 Estate Agents love ChatGPT

👀 Estate Agents love ChatGPT

Plus > Goolges Text to Audio magic

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - the daily AI newsletter that lets you breeze through the latest AI happenings. No fuss, no waffle - just straight to the point! Ok, maybe some waffle but hey you can't have it all right?

Let's get into the sweet sweet deets shall we - this is what's up today:

Latest A.I. News

It's only about 2 months old, but already real estate agents (aka scum of the earth) can't live without ChatGPT. This is an industry that hasn't evolved in years, that may be forced to with AI breathing down its neck!

According to the article, it's already becoming a Go-To for these people who can use it to Write home descriptions for those house ads they work so hard to create, write legal letters for people with problems, and help them do advanced calculations on the fly for their client. So it's basically another way to make these lazy people even lazier (can you tell I'm not a fan? - apologies to any readers who are Estate agents -I'm sure you're lovely)

Will be interesting to see how AI advances in this area. Maybe we won't even need house photographers

Thanks to Google's latest AI release, anyone can now use text to create an audio track - Yo Yo Yo!

MusicLM is Google's newest AI feature allowing text prompts to create audio tracks - and it looks impressive. With features like creating audio from rich captions, to longer 5 min audio from simple text prompts, this looks impressive

Some of it sounds a bit mad and incoherent like some toddlers playing in a band - like the track below that sound like a cross between cowboy and Japanese music, but its early days, and were sure this could be a serious threat to artists in the future, and amazing for people who need to make music for a living!

Daily Roundup

OMG - What will happen when AI makes Buzzfeed quizzesWe don't know and I'm not sure we care!

AI may help humanize Financial services What no more finance bros?

Turn any subject into a Drake song Ok cool, but when can we turn any subject into a Michael Bolton Song huh?

AI develops words to instruct cells to kill cancer Imagine if AI could rid us of cancer.

US and EU launch an AI agreementGovernments looking to step up the use of AI to solve all sorts of problems

Top 10 AI trends to look out for10 Trends to look out for with AI

Meme Me!

Heard of the game Monkey Island? (if you're below 40 probably not) Anyway, MI was one of the first games from the mighty gaming pioneers Sierra that brings back lots of memories! Anyway, a Twitter user has recreated many stills and characters from the game using Midjourney. Just thought we'd share - imagine the cycle of releasing new games if they start using AI? We may see the next GTA sooner than 2089!!!!

From @javilopen on Twitter

 AI Product of the Day

Vacay is a tool that gives you the ability to build a holiday with an AI Chat Bot (ok not with, but using an AI chatbot)

Simply type your request and AI will help you build the perfect holiday! Now if Mark Zuckerberg will hurry up with the darn metaverse, soon we won't even have to leave the house!

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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