Failing the Mirror Test

Plus > Lame AI Quizzes

đź‘‹ Welcome to A.I. Deets - its Friday - lets not waste a moment and get right into it shall we?

Thought of the day (or Tweet of the day) below!

Latest A.I. News

The AI Mirror Test

This is a fascinating read by the Verge and is well worth 10 mins of your time! Basically, the theory is that there is a mirror test that tests animals' appetite for self-awareness and how they react to .. well mirrors!

The article hypothesis that AI is now the ultimate mirror test for the human race and that we are flailing. It seems that AI is nothing more than our own thoughts, research, writings, and knowledge being fed back to us in phrases and sentences - and that scares us!

Is AI sounding crazy at times? yes - but why is it like that and what does the future hold for these AI apps we all getting very accustomed to very quickly?

BuzzFeed launches AI quizzes

Those wacky folks over at Buzzfeed have wowed us yet again with their first foray into AI quizzes! Powered by a bot called "Buzzy the Robot" (um okay!) the quizzes will be part of a partnership with OpenAI to "change the face of crappy viral things as we know it" (ok I made that part up!

What a time to be alive you say to yourself as you try out the following: “Create Your Own Rom-Com,” “Generate a Break-Up Text,” “Date Your Celebrity Crush,” “Find Your Soulmate"“Create Your Own Cinematic Universe For You and Your Friends” “Create a Cult for You and Your Friends (WTF)

Lets keep feeding AI this garbage and see where that gets us shall we?

Daily Roundup

  • In praise of AI pick up lines (link)

  • Artists are fighting back in the AI wars. (link)

  • ChatGPT passes Thoery of Mind Test . (link)

  • AI Porn is raising ethical red flags (link)

  • Charlie Munger weighs in on AI and Chat GPT (link)

  • AI being used to answer question about rising sea level (link)

  • AI predicts the ETH price in 2030 (link)

  • The dark side of AI Bing (link)

  • Rabbi uses AI to write sermon - becomes deathly afraid! (link)

  • Bing has alternate personalities (link)

Meme Me!

Kids smoking blunts? We gotta see this!

via r/cybervision on Reddit

 AI App of the Day

Magic eraser and Background Eraser are 2 super cool tools that are part of the MagicStudio suite of tools. Its a one-stop shop for AI image creation - they also have their own Generative AI as well as an image enlarger. Check em out

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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