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👀 Get Ready to Rumble

> its MSFT v. Google!

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - the daily AI newsletter that comes around quicker than you can say candy (it's a line from a rap song -don't judge ok?)

Let's get into the sweet sweet deets shall we - this is what's up today:

Latest A.I. News

It's Fight Time!

We have an AI, No we have an AI event - EVERYONE has an AI Event! So Google set their AI launch for Wednesday 8 Feb, and Good ol MSFT came along and set an event for...Tuesday 7 Feb - just like that to give a big FU to Google.

This is truly the beginning of the AI Wars, and we haven't seen wars between tech companies like this since Mac vs PC!

Since then, Google has also announced that their Chat Bot will be called Bard (Shakespeare anyone) Read More about that here

However general consensus seems to be that Bard will annihilate ChatGPT due to Google's pure volume of data it can be trained on, as well as Google's immense knowledge about people, places, and things (and don't forget advertising)

And don't forget Google MASSIVE distribution network to insert Bard into (plus Bard sounds cooler to me than ChatGPT - but that's just my opinion)

And not to be outdone and just to make things even more interesting, Apple has announced their AI summit to be held in person for the first time, and Chinese Search giant Baidu have announced their ChatBot called Ernie apparently modeled on 260B parameters as opposed to ChatGPT's measly 175B parameters (no clue that that means) sending their stock into a frenzy!

Stay tuned folks - the AI wars are hotting up - read more about the battle here

Daily Roundup

  • Traders dont think AI will repalce them. (link)

  • What does ChatGPT say about itself? (link)

  • Shopify + OpenAI integration to generate copy without any 3rd party app. (link)

  • What is the Impact of AI on daily life? (link)

  • AI must be regulated (according to one of its creators) (link)

  • AI Sienfeld show gets banned (link)

  • Codex is the new tool from OpenAI (link)

  • AI in Proptech (link)

  • ChatGPT being jailbroken again (link)

  • The race to build Chat powered serach engines (link)

Meme Me!

AI can create some amazing images and the one below is no exception. I can almost see myself on one of those benches watching the world go by (but no - I'm stuck inside writing this newsletter for you dear reader) Also here is the prompt to make this:

Prompt: The city at night is a symphony of lights and sounds. The bright lights of skyscrapers compete with the stars in the sky, while the honking of cars and the bustle of people create a frenzied energy. But amidst the chaos, there are moments of peace and stillness. A couple sits on a bench, watching the lights twinkle above them. A street performer plays a haunting melody on their violin, drawing a small crowd. The city may be alive with activity, but there is a sense of magic and wonder to be found if you know where to look. --q 2

 AI Product of the Day

Thought we'd do something a bit different today and focus on this tweet about all the AI products rolling out - what are your thoughts?

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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