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  • 👀 Google Admits they Rushed Bard

👀 Google Admits they Rushed Bard

Plus > AI dating has a long way to go!

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - it's one day before Friday - you can do it! Here's some awesome AI stuff to help push you over the line!

Before we start - some more wise words from Sam?

Latest A.I. News

Google Boss Admits AI tools weren't the best!

Sundar Pichai is fighting back against criticism that the company launched Bard, their AI chatbot a bit too early. In a company-wide email, the Google CEO issued a rallying cry to all Googlers to help test Bard for 2-4 hours (not sure if that was during the day/ after hours, etc) and that google had often won when they were not first to market!

Its clear Google was caught off guard by the release and success of ChatGPT and rushed to announce that they were also in the game. The question is how will they respond and will Bard be better than ChatGPT? Google certainly has the capabilities and heaps of super relevant and useful data to train their AI tool on. Google is also very careful not to release products that could be harmful or spread misinformation (like Bing perhaps?)

CNN tests out an AI Dating app

CNN reporters test out a new dating app powered by AI from a company called Keys AI. Check out the hilarious video below - it's clear from this video that AI in dating has a loooong way to go!

Daily Roundup

  • AI flew a jet for 17 hours! (link)

  • AI is creating succcesful medical drugs (link)

  • Stephen Wolrfram (Wolfram Alpha) writes about AI and ChatGPT. (link)

  • Jasper targets Enterprise with Generative AI?. (link)

  • Guide to using Google Bard (link)

  • Supercharge Google sheets with this Chrome extension (link)

  • Time article on the impact of AI (link) (log in required to read)

  • Machine Learning vs Deep Learning - whats the difference? (link)

  • Joma from YouTube talks AI (link)

  • 16 things Pop Culture gets wrong about AI (link)

  • ChatGPT for SEO - cool use cases (link)

  • AI to make dating better - and duller? (link)

Meme Me!

Ok it's not a Meme, but we love this extra finger for those Generative image enthusiasts!

 AI App of the Day

Replai is your Twitter and LinkedIn response tool on steroids! This clever chrome extension can be used to power replies via AI and generate growth

Chatbase lets you build your own AI Chatbot using your own data! Simply upload a PDF of all the data you need the app to be trained on and Voila! Find answers and have a conversation with your own PDF - wild!

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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