Naughty OpenAI!

Plus Adobe Ffights back

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - the daily (human-written) AI newsletter that takes all the news from the global on AI and wraps it up all neat and shiny into a tiny little box and then fires it at ya!

This is what's up today:

  • OpenAI has been naughty - like sweatshop naughty!

  • Some more Intersting tidbits from the man of the hour Sam Altman

  • Adobe fights back

  • Hungry? So are we - always - check our our Meme of the day!

Latest A.I. News 

Time Magazine has published a detailed expose highlighting the fact that OpenAI have been using a company based in Kenya to filter out harmful content at well below minimum wage! Apparently a lot of the training on ChatGPT was done by scanning the open internet and we all know what a wonderful place that can be!!

Its unsure what kind of backlash this will create and ultimately will people even care. But it does serve to highlight the dangers of AI and its training methods as well as how bias can easily creep in (especially if its moderated by underpaid staff who ultimately may not care)

Sams is back on the interview trail - this time he's speaking about Video coming to GPT (it's a while away apparently but damn that would be cool) and the fact that their deal with MS isn't exclusive - hope Satya doesn't find that out by reading this article. Awks!

Adobe (they must be a bit nervous now with all this Generative AI floating about no?) has hit back at criticism that they've been using stock footage to train AI. That said Adobe seems to be fighting back and developing some cool AI tools like Content Credentials and Adobe Sensei (we stan the name!)

Daily Roundup

Artists sue AI generator 3 artists are suing based on the fact that Stable Diffusion has stolen been trained on millions of copyrighted images 

CNET is rolling back their AI articles Apparently, none of the AI articles CNET has been pumping out have been fact-checked. Oops! 

AI is not the new crypto people! So we have Crypto Bros - will we get AI Bros (or do they exist already?)

Using AI for ambulance calls The mighty New Brunswick (where?) is pioneering the use of AI to answer Ambulacec calls "as a back up"

AI being used to fight cancer A good use for AI in the field of cancer research and detection. Could we eradicate cancer in our lifetime?

Meme Me!

AI is getting good - seriously good! So good that this looks real, made me hungry and I'd probably eat it as it is!

From @LinusEkenstam on Twitter

 AI Product of the Day

AI Image enhancers are becoming hot property and can be game-changing to fix images 

Imglarger is a tool that does just that and has a host of cool features to use like an Upscaler, Enhancing Technology and even Cartoonize (is that a word?) your face!

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)  

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