OpenAI - $29B - why not!

AI Deets - AI news like its hot

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - we're more fun than a sack full of elves! (whatever that is lol)

Enough messing around - Lets get into the sweet sweet deets shall we💪

Todays A.I. Breakdown:

  • OpenAI = $29B🤯

  • 2023 AI > 2022 AI

  • Daily Round Up

  • Meme Me

  • Cool AI product of the Day

Latest A.I. News

Not a trivial amount, but judging by the speed of adoption of ChatGPT and the potenital impact of the tool, it feels like this number could grow massivley over the year. Oh and another win for Elon who is an investor/ founder in OpenAI. Not to mention Sam Altman - seen below waving to all bankers trying to get in a deal with him

Great VOX article about AI adoption in 2023. Seems we are nowhere even near the tipping point!

How can AI help entrepeneurs - here are some thoughts from a magazine of the same name

Daily Roundup

Upscaling old YouTube Vids with AI   Nvidia is using AI to help upscale old blurry YT Videos. Better dust of those old home videos on VHS, now youll be able to see Grandpa Joe in all his swimsuit glory. Heres a link to the YT video as well

Top AI Products from CES  A great summary of all the AI goodies on dispaly at CES like a self driving stroller and an AI powered Oven! Seems like weve reached the pinnacle of what AI can offer us already!! The AI Stroller does look pretty bad ass though!

AI assistance in court Will we need lawyers in the future? DoNotPay is a new AI firm that will help defend speeding tickets in court. Matlock is rolling in his grave and the cast of LA Law just became extinct (oh wait i think they were already)

Jo Rogan latest podcast on AI  Joe interviews Brett Weinstien and discusses AI advancements. Check out the comments on the video as well as they are equally interesting

Meme Me!

Poor Mona Lisa - Even doesnt show her the love she needs. Image from Twitter

Cool AI Product of the Day

DoNotPay is an AI powered legal assistant that can "Sue anyone" " Find Money" and notable argue against parking tickets fines (story above)

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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