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  • OpenAI ask you to show it the money baby!

OpenAI ask you to show it the money baby!

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to A.I. Deets - the daily AI newsletter filing you up with AI goodness better that your local burger joint!

Lets get into the sweet sweet deets shall we - this is whats up today:

πŸ’° ChatGPT to launch a paid versionπŸŽ™οΈ Why AI ads arent ready for Superbowl (Ryan Reynolds may disagree - see below)πŸ‘€ Meme of the day

Latest A.I. News

Seems like the best things in life arent free! they lied to us (jks!) Open AI the company behind the now behemoeth ChatGPt is looking to launch a paid version. Makese sense given the apparently eye watering server costs and the real potential to make some serious cash with this thing!

Open AI have launched a Google Doc woth some intersting questions like "How mad would be if ChatGPT" went down - exactly what you do when youre gonna be a trillion dollar company (probably)

Theres lots of talk about AI replacing lots of things and ad agencies may be one of them - however this Ad Age think were a way off untill this happens. I guess it remains to be seen, but as the saying goes "You wont be replaced by AI, youll be replaced by someone using AI"

Daily Roundup

Ryan Reynolds ChatGTP adπŸ€” Very smart and jumping on trends - watch this ad by Ryan Reynolds Mint Mobile created by ChatGPT

4 ways AI could transform manufacturing Lets see if this will come true

Using AI to protect Whales πŸ“‘Moby Dick would be so happy (it was the whale right)

Microsfots Vall-eπŸ“Š Now look out for this as MS take on voice mimic -ing (is that a word?) A lot like Arnold in T2 (that were Woolfy came from - yay!)

Meme Me!

Candy Factory is even more nightmarish than Willy Wonkas factory with those little green freaks Ommpa loompahs runnning around (if thats possible) I love candy, but i think id give ones from this factory a miss thank you very much!

From @DIofthebeholder on Twitter

Cool AI Product of the Day

Talk to Books allows user to query thousands of books to find answers. According to Google "when you type in a question or a statement, the model looks at every sentence in over 100,000 books to find the responses that would most likely come next in a conversation. The response sentence is shown in bold, along with some of the text that appeared next to the sentence for context."

We hope you like A.I. Deets - let us know if you want to see something else/ have any comments or feedback for us? Reach out at [email protected]

Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)

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