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  • 👀 Running AI is Expensive! 💵

👀 Running AI is Expensive! 💵

Plus > The Chip powering the AI revolution

👋 Welcome to A.I. Deets - it's Friday - you made it! Now you can get your rundown of the Top news and happenings in the world of AI!

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Latest A.I. News

AI is expensive to run yo!

Google may have another problem if AI takes off like we all know it will - a huge increase in costs!

Apparently, search via AI can be 10 times the cost of search using normal keywords!

Some analysts predict this could run to anything from $3B - $6B in terms of costs in a few years! Not exactly a company that is apparently "cost-cutting" wants to hear right now! And it also remains to be seen how much more per ad Google could charge (CPC/CPM etc) not using an ad via AI could warrant extra costs, unless Google dreams up some insane new relevant ad units using generative AI, and who knows, maybe they will

The $10k Chip powering AI

Never mind the Google/Microsoft Race that heating up the AI space - there is another race happening behind the scenes. This is a race for computing and GPU power. And the race leader is clearly Nvidia with their A100 chip fast becoming the defacto piece of hardware to power the AI revolution.

The chip has become so sought after that it pushed Nvidia's share price higher even off the back of lower sales this quarter as the future is clear.

The A100 is the powerhouse of AI with its ability to perform multiple simple calculations simultaneously which is needed for training AI models. How in demand is it you ask? Well, Last year Stability AI was working off 32 A100's. Fast forward and they now have access and are working with 5,400 A100 GPU - quite an increase!

But the others are hot on their heals with Intel and other chip makers looking to get into the space quickly

Daily Roundup

  • AI, the Public and the Pope (link)

  • Is responsbile AI a tech or Business issue? (link)

  • China tech companie are watching ChatGPT (link)

  • Coke has signed a deal with OpenAI (link)

  • No going back - AI genie is out the bottle (link)

  • You cant Copyright Midjourney images (link)

  • SCIFi channel flooded with AI generated stories (link)

  • Timeline for emulating dead people is speeding up (link)

  • Interview with AI version of Ronal Reagan (link)

  • Everything you wanted to know about AI but were afraid to ask (link)

Meme Me!

Not sure if many of you remember or even know Fawlty Towers! If you don't, Google It - if you do, you may agree the pic below looks like a cross between Basil and Manuel! Via ai_cursed on Twitter

AI Product of the Day

Generate a Tattoo idea with Tattoosai.com - no inspo for your next inking or simply looking for ideas for your first tat (no tramps stamps please) Well head over to Tattoosai to get the tat of your dreams (and your parent's nightmare!)

Trending AI Products

Email Assistants 

Fight writer's block and achieve inbox zero. DraftLab is an AI-powered Gmail copilot that generates high-quality email replies for you.

Ellie learns from your writing style and crafts replies as if they were written by you.

At EmailTriager, we build products that do work on your behalf.

IntelliMail is a chrome extension that generates your emails - so you'll never have to write one again.

Quicklines is your new AI-powered cold outreach assistant. We help you scale your cold email campaigns with our in-depth social scraping and natural language first-line writing platform.

AI Email Assistant.

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Thanks for reading, Mike (and Woolfy)